Sonntag, 6. März 2011

Copán - ruins in Honduras

At the beginning of my travel to Belize I went a couple of hours to Honduras to visit the Copán mayan ruins. Unfortunately I forgot to change my rest Lempiras (the currency in Hoduras) back to Quetzales.

I really liked it, I joined a guided tour and our guide said that Tikal (the biggest ruins in Guatemala) is like New York and Copán is like Paris, more decorated and has mor art.

I really liked how the nature kind of destroyed the ruins and the roots of huge trees grow down stairs.

They also had a ballgame, and they sacrificed the best player after the game. So my questions, who wants to play very good with this end?

Wikipedia again is very good: so if you want to know about the ruins, you can read there and I show some pictures here.
wiki german:
wiki english:
wiki spanish:

The English one again is the best...spanish, somebody should work on this site.
Now: my pictures!

ceiba - I loved this tree
one lempira with the ruins printed on it, and the ruins in the backround
ruins, the main plaza
also the main plaza with the ballgame place
 If you want to see the pictures larger, click on them.

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